
A Start On this New Baby Preceded by Theme Search Hell


I communicate — read, research, chatype with my Facebook buddies worldwide, and post on a pretty good blog — at the nexus of “conflict, culture, language, and psychology” most days, and even within the ugly information environment in which I swim virtually in blood and suffering daily (thank God, it’s “virtually”), I haven’t been so tired out as I have been with frantic search for a free WordPress theme supporting the “favicon”, that tiny emblem used as a browser’s tile tab.  For that . . . you don’t want to know.




But I’ll tell you anyway.

I’ve probably installed and fiddled with upwards of 30 noncommercial themes in the process of getting to this one titled “Portfolio”, which seems like it will serve Communicating Arts — Photography as well as support the hunt for editorial and research tasking AKA “bread and butter”.

What was I looking for?

I was looking for a spare, spacious, and positive typeset (black on white) theme, nothing more than a clean sheet of virtual paper.  The “Twenty” series (“Twenties” “Ten”, “Eleven,” “Twelve”, and “Thirteen”) would have sufficed, perhaps, but for the favicon issue.

As with BackChannels (officially “Conflict-Backchannels”), I’d have had control of the top menu, banner, and page color (that one’s “Chateau” operating under’s upgrade plan — I wanted this space [in which I am a web hosting reseller]  to continue with the domain “” and an associated e-mail address that I now believe I married, must have, now that I think about it, many long and memorable years ago).

So on to the new.

Today, I happen to like the scribbled logo-header, swiftly arranged using Photoshop CS4, a bit behind the software curve, so to speak, but then the suite’s happily resident on the computer quietly whipping air across its chips and drives about 18-inches from my elbow.

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